Important Consideration There are few, if any, websites that offer what PH3 website does. Please follow advice for contributing, it's quite helpful. We do have some Hash members willing to offer training and personalized help, please contact the webmaster for details.
1. The most easy option is to upload your photos to your own Facebook and share with your friends
2. The PH3 Facebook is password protected such that only Hash Flash can upload and edit. If you have a few good photos to contribute just email them to our Hash Flash.
3. If you have a large number of pictures please edit then send to Hash Flash.
Please do not email full size photos as they will be too big.
(a) Please rotate them, or turn them the right way up and delete (edit out) the blurred crap first.
(b) Resize them. The recommended resolution is 1200 x 900. If you are struggling to resize your images, here's a handy utility that will resize a whole folder at a time: Easy Thumbnails.
(c) If you can, zip them up or use a file sharing facility like Dropbox.
(d) Email them to the webmaster with something meaningful as the subject, eg PH3 Run 1357 by Nobby Nobhead.
Write what the hell you like. Don't let the truth or accuracy get in the way. Type it up and email it to the scribe