About: The Maraud is for experienced male hashers who have been vetted by a Marauder and who are deemed to be devious enough to take part. The Phuket Marauders meet when the GM decides, normally 3 - 4 times a year. At other times, they may be found lurking in the shadows of the Expat bar spending their ill gotten gains from earlier Marauds.
Numbers: Limited to 30 max so if you want to be there confirm your booking with GM The Mighty Quim.
Virgins: This event is not open to hangers on or day trippers. Anyone who is not of Tinmen standard and a regular Hasher will not be allowed. The GM has the final decision on any proposed Virgins. A Virgin must be sponsored and looked after by an existing member.
Misdirections: Probably something along these lines. Registration at the Expat Hotel coffee shop at 1300. The bus will leave the Expat Hotel at 1400 SHARP, not 1405. I repeat THE BUS LEAVES AT 1400. Panicky phone calls from Marauders who cannot tell the time will not be accepted!
GM Hall of fame: Sir Bollox (founder), Sir Lance the Lot, Sponge, King Klong, Sir Bogdiver, Sir Wanda, Duke of Puke, B.C., Billy Boy, Brunswick, Vertical Limit, Scud, The Mighty Quim.
Any questions? Contact the GM