Advertising is FREE
Supply a link to your website and one image, around 300 pixels (width &/or height). You must include a special offer for PH3 members or hashers in general. Ads are not intended to be edited.
Hashers: 10% discount off PHUKET'S ONLY GED HOMESCHOOL & TEST CENTER 081 4170978
All Hashers: FREE layout design & screen setup
Hashers: Stay 10 nights, get one night free
Lotus Massage & Spa Ya Nui Beach Rd Rawai Namoi 0954185689 Hashers: 10% off all massages
Special Rates for Hashers - by Mind The Gap
Hashers: 15% off room prices
10% off all our Menu on Koh Phi Phi (not including existing promotions)
Real Estate Photography
PH3: one (1) Free drink to all members
PH3: 20% discount on trips and equipment
Phuket Nature Reserve - Elephant Habitat 20% Discount for Hashers
PH3: 60 B beer + 10% discount except breakfast & specials
PH3: 30 baht off German Wheat Beer